Source code for psnawp_api.models.trophies.trophy_titles

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Iterator, Any

from attrs import define, field

from psnawp_api.core.psnawp_exceptions import PSNAWPNotFound, PSNAWPBadRequest
from psnawp_api.models.trophies.trophy import Trophy
from psnawp_api.models.trophies.trophy_constants import TrophySet, PlatformType

from psnawp_api.utils.endpoints import BASE_PATH, API_PATH
from psnawp_api.utils.misc import iso_format_to_datetime
from psnawp_api.utils.request_builder import RequestBuilder

[docs]@define(frozen=True) class TrophyTitle: """A class containing summary of trophy data for a user for a game title""" # Trophy Title Metadata total_items_count: Optional[int] "The total number of trophy titles for this account" np_service_name: Optional[str] "trophy for PS3, PS4, or PS Vita platforms and trophy2 for the PS5 platform" np_communication_id: Optional[str] "Unique ID of the title" trophy_set_version: Optional[str] "The current version of the trophy set" title_name: Optional[str] "Title name" title_detail: Optional[str] "Title description (PS3, PS4 and PS Vita titles only)" title_icon_url: Optional[str] "URL of the icon for the title" title_platform: frozenset[PlatformType] "Platforms this title belongs to" has_trophy_groups: Optional[bool] "True if the title has multiple groups of trophies (eg. DLC trophies which are separate from the main trophy list)" progress: Optional[int] "Percentage of trophies earned for the title" hidden_flag: Optional[bool] "Title has been hidden on the accounts trophy list (Only for Client)" earned_trophies: TrophySet "Number of trophies for the title which have been earned by type" defined_trophies: TrophySet "Number of trophies for the title by type" last_updated_date_time: Optional[datetime] = field(converter=iso_format_to_datetime) "Date most recent trophy earned for the title (UTC+00:00 TimeZone)" # when title_id is passed np_title_id: Optional[str] "Title ID of the title if passed" rarest_trophies: list[Trophy] = field(factory=list, hash=False) "Returns the trophy where earned is true with the lowest trophyEarnedRate"
[docs]class TrophyTitles: """Retrieve all game titles associated with an account, and a summary of trophies earned from them."""
[docs] def __init__(self, request_builder: RequestBuilder, account_id: str): """Constructor of TrophyTitles class. .. note:: This class is intended to be interfaced with through PSNAWP. :param request_builder: The instance of RequestBuilder. Used to make HTTPRequests. :type request_builder: RequestBuilder :param account_id: The account whose trophy list is being accessed :type account_id: str """ self._request_builder = request_builder self._account_id = account_id
[docs] def get_trophy_titles(self, limit: Optional[int]) -> Iterator[TrophyTitle]: """Retrieve all game titles associated with an account, and a summary of trophies earned from them. :param limit: Limit of titles returned, None means to return all trophy titles. :type limit: Optional[int] :returns: Generator object with TitleTrophySummary objects :rtype: Iterator[TrophyTitle] :raises: ``PSNAWPForbidden`` If the user's profile is private """ offset = 0 limit_per_request = min(limit, 800) if limit is not None else 800 while True: params = {"limit": limit_per_request, "offset": offset} response = self._request_builder.get( url=f"{BASE_PATH['trophies']}{API_PATH['trophy_titles'].format(account_id=self._account_id)}", params=params, ).json() per_page_items = 0 trophy_titles: list[dict[Any, Any]] = response.get("trophyTitles") for trophy_title in trophy_titles: title_trophy_sum = TrophyTitle( total_items_count=response.get("totalItemCount"), np_service_name=trophy_title.get("npServiceName"), np_communication_id=trophy_title.get("npCommunicationId"), trophy_set_version=trophy_title.get("trophySetVersion"), title_name=trophy_title.get("trophyTitleName"), title_detail=trophy_title.get("trophyTitleDetail"), title_icon_url=trophy_title.get("trophyTitleIconUrl"), title_platform=frozenset( [ PlatformType(platform_str) if platform_str else PlatformType("UNKNOWN") for platform_str in trophy_title.get("trophyTitlePlatform", "").split(",") ] ), has_trophy_groups=trophy_title.get("hasTrophyGroups"), progress=trophy_title.get("progress"), hidden_flag=trophy_title.get("hiddenFlag"), last_updated_date_time=trophy_title.get("lastUpdatedDateTime"), defined_trophies=TrophySet( **trophy_title.get( "definedTrophies", {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 0, "platinum": 0}, ), ), earned_trophies=TrophySet( **trophy_title.get( "earnedTrophies", {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 0, "platinum": 0}, ) ), np_title_id=None, rarest_trophies=Trophy.from_trophies_list(trophy_title.get("rarestTrophies")), ) yield title_trophy_sum per_page_items += 1 if limit is not None: limit -= per_page_items limit_per_request = min(limit, 800) # If limit is reached if limit <= 0: break offset = response.get("nextOffset", 0) # If end is reached the end if offset <= 0: break
[docs] def get_trophy_summary_for_title(self, title_ids: list[str]) -> Iterator[TrophyTitle]: """Retrieve a summary of the trophies earned by a user for specific titles. :param title_ids: Unique ID of the title :type title_ids: list[str] :returns: Generator object with TitleTrophySummary objects :rtype: Iterator[TrophyTitle] :raises: ``PSNAWPForbidden`` If the user's profile is private """ params = {"npTitleIds": ",".join(title_ids)} response = self._request_builder.get( url=f"{BASE_PATH['trophies']}{API_PATH['trophy_titles_for_title'].format(account_id=self._account_id)}", params=params, ).json() for title in response.get("titles"): for trophy_title in title.get("trophyTitles"): title_trophy_sum = TrophyTitle( total_items_count=response.get("totalItemCount"), np_service_name=trophy_title.get("npServiceName"), np_communication_id=trophy_title.get("npCommunicationId"), trophy_set_version=trophy_title.get("trophySetVersion"), title_name=trophy_title.get("trophyTitleName"), title_detail=trophy_title.get("trophyTitleDetail"), title_icon_url=trophy_title.get("trophyTitleIconUrl"), title_platform=frozenset( [ PlatformType(platform_str) if platform_str else PlatformType("UNKNOWN") for platform_str in trophy_title.get("trophyTitlePlatform", "").split(",") ] ), has_trophy_groups=trophy_title.get("hasTrophyGroups"), progress=trophy_title.get("progress"), hidden_flag=trophy_title.get("hiddenFlag"), last_updated_date_time=trophy_title.get("lastUpdatedDateTime"), defined_trophies=trophy_title.get( "definedTrophies", {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 0, "platinum": 0}, ), earned_trophies=trophy_title.get( "earnedTrophies", {"bronze": 0, "silver": 0, "gold": 0, "platinum": 0}, ), np_title_id=title.get("npTitleId"), rarest_trophies=Trophy.from_trophies_list(trophy_title.get("rarestTrophies")), ) yield title_trophy_sum
[docs] @staticmethod def get_np_communication_id(request_builder: RequestBuilder, title_id: str, account_id: str) -> str: """Returns the np communication id of title. This is required for requesting detail about a titles trophies. .. note:: The endpoint only returns useful response back if the account has played that particular video game. :param request_builder: The instance of RequestBuilder. Used to make HTTPRequests. :type request_builder: RequestBuilder :param title_id: Unique ID of the title :type title_id: str :param account_id: Account ID of the user. :type account_id: str :returns: np communication id of title :rtype: str :raises: ``PSNAWPNotFound`` If the user does not have any trophies for that game or the game doesn't exist. """ params = {"npTitleIds": f"{title_id},"} try: response = request_builder.get( url=f"{BASE_PATH['trophies']}{API_PATH['trophy_titles_for_title'].format(account_id=account_id)}", params=params, ).json() except (PSNAWPBadRequest, PSNAWPNotFound) as bad_req: raise PSNAWPNotFound(f"Could not find a Video Game with Title: {title_id}") from bad_req if len(response.get("titles")[0].get("trophyTitles")) == 0: raise PSNAWPNotFound(f"Could not find a Video Game with Title: {title_id}. Most likely the user doesn't own the game.") np_comm_id: str = response.get("titles")[0].get("trophyTitles")[0].get("npCommunicationId", title_id) return np_comm_id